

Is It Time to Replace My French Doors in Boca Grande, FL?

A set of French doors opening onto your patio can certainly make a beautiful addition to your home in Boca Grande, FL. Sadly, no such doors can last forever, and sooner or later, you will need to replace them. To help you determine when the time has come for a French door replacement, here are three signs to look for.

Difficulty Opening the Doors

French doors should open quite easily. One way you’ll know that your doors have become too old is that you start to have difficulty opening them. The doors might have warped in such a way that they start to stick in place or produce loud noises when you try to open them. In general, French doors shouldn’t be any tougher to open than a sliding glass door.

Breezes, Gaps, and Drafts

Sunlight and bad weather are some of the primary causes of door distortion that we referred to above. This problem can become so severe, in fact, that it can produce visible gaps through which air can flow in and out. These holes can compromise the efficiency of your HVAC system and artificially push your utility bills higher, making it all the more important to resolve this problem.

Water Damage

French doors come with special seals that prevent water from getting through them. Considering the frequent hurricanes and other extreme weather around Boca Grande, FL, this is an especially important thing to have. Over time, however, these seals can erode, which should alert you to the need to replace the doors.

If you encounter problems like those mentioned above, don’t worry. We provide complete in-home evaluations and work closely with you to ensure we deliver solutions designed to meet your specific needs.. Just call Absolute Window in Boca Grande, FL to learn more about our French door replacement services.

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