

How to Maintain Your Sliding Glass Doors in Punta Gorda, FL

Sliding glass doors can certainly lend extra charm and beauty to your Punta Gorda, FL home, but they require some upkeep. Thankfully, it isn’t difficult to keep them looking good if you know what to do. Here are a few tips to keep your sliding glass doors functional and beautiful.

Clean the Glass

This is probably the most obvious of all maintenance tips, but merely understanding that glass should be clean and effectively cleaning it are two different things. Stains, streaks, and unwanted residue from water, humidity, dust, dirt, and an almost endless list of other pollutants constantly threaten to sully your glass doors.

You’ll need a strong window cleaner and a soft cloth to apply for optimal cleaning. Wipe the glass gently with the cloth to avoid damaging it.

Replace Weatherstripping When Needed

Weatherstripping should seal the gaps in your doors, providing them and the interior of your home with extra protection against water, dirt, and wind. This is especially necessary in Florida due to the state’s occasionally extreme weather.

Tracks and Rollers

It’s also important to periodically clean and lubricate the track along which your sliding doors will travel as they open and close. Without this, the doors may only work with great difficulty. Trying to force them to move without lubrication will risk damaging them.

You should also lubricate the rollers the doors use to facilitate movement along the tracks. From time to time, inspect the rollers and check whether they have sustained any serious damage. If they have, you’ll need to call one of our technicians to look at your doors.

Basic maintenance will help to ensure that your sliding glass doors will remain in good condition and beautify your home in Punta Gorda, FL for years to come. Call Absolute Window LLC to check out our sliding glass door services and schedule an appointment today!

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